

不如就把革离想象成《天国王朝》里面的那个小铁匠和麻风国王Baldwin IV的混合体吧,把赵国大将当成萨拉丁,回忆一下萨拉丁大军前后两次兵临耶路撒冷城下的场景……


Bank Age 35, this muscular, menacing African American inmate tries to make Bellick his punk, but gets a nasty surprise when Bellick attacks him and leaves him moaning on the floor. Later, however, Bank and his goons are planning to pull Bellick out of his cell and make him pay for his effrontery -- and there's no one around to stop them...

Haywire will be in this episode and befriend a teenaged girl who asks him to buy booze for her. She becomes intrigued by him and his project of building a raft to go to Holland. This girl will also appear in episode 2.16.
{Two teens, Matt and Sasha ask Haywire to buy them beer. In exchange, they'll buy food for his dog, now named Larry. They even offer to let him have a beer. Haywire declines the beer, citing that "My Dad used to drink." Haywire and Sasha share something in common, an abusive father. This rekindles some bad memories for Haywire, and he takes action to protect his new found friend.}

Lincoln, Michael and Kellerman kidnap a TV cameraman to film their declaration of innocence.
Mahone and a "Behaviorist" disect a tape of Michael and Lincoln's "Declaration of Innocence". The "Behaviorist" concludes Lincoln is lying about Lisa Rix being the victim of a cover up, and lying about a suicide in the "Cutback Motel". The brothers are planning something in Des Moines. It involves the president. Michael transmits the message "The Water is Warm" via morse code with his hand during the airing of the tape. Mahone doesn't buy into these "leads" and tells given by the brothers because "they have a former secret service man with them".
Greg Rydqnour - The camera man who filmed Michael and Lincoln's video. He states that Michael promised they would not hurt him, but the other guy who was with them "the one who looked like he was FBI" - threatened to blow his brains out if he didn't help. He notes that they mentioned "800 miles in 12 hours" and were rather intrigued by a report about President Reynolds. He thinks they're planning to go after her.

Sucre is taken in by an old Mexican man who sympathizes with Sucre's quest to find the woman he loves. When the Mexican police bring back Sucre after catching him in the old man's stolen car, the old man covers for Sucre and even gives him money for his trip.
Sucre turns up in Mexico and meets an old widower, who offers him a meal in exchange that Sucre can cook it for the both of them. Sucre takes him up on his offer, but steals his car afterwards. After being caught with the car by Mexican police, the old man tells them he gave Sucre the car and then passes on some cash to Sucre, giving him his blessing and wishing him luck with Maricruz. (what a nice old man...)


彪悍的女人Joan Jett

难得Boss不在,放肆一下,Hia hia~~ 来一份彪悍的摇滚女MV
虽然老刘是我滴榜样,但老刘的《我恨我痴心》跟这个“本尊”比起来,差距真的不是一点点(感觉好像老刘已经很卖力了,但就是表现不出那种排山倒海、雪崩般的气势)!还有那些个什么DJ Remix版、舞曲版什么的,基本还是忽略了心理舒服一点-_-......

The Butterfly Effect

We all have moments when we wish we could change something. Right a wrong. Correct o mistake. Gain love.....or power.

Life is confused! I hope the butterfly effect in my case.



这个BLOG申请了Google Adsense广告.由于这只是一个BLOG,流量很小,所以广告收入非常非常少.叫"壹圆钱助学计划"是因为,收入可能只是象征性的.更重要的是爱心的传播.


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目前由我和月上心泉共同管理Google Adsense帐户,凡热心本计划,为该计划做出更多帮助的人,我们都将告之密码.如果将来收入能够达到100美圆,即可将钱取出.去向由所有参与者共同决定.



November Rain

据说那该死的阴雨天气还要持续10天左右,据说阴郁的天气会使人也变得阴郁,在十几天的阴郁后,终于想到了Guns 'n' Roses的这首“November Rain”,就是那首跟他妈的“Don't Cry”一样有名的“November Rain”……



我用明摆着的无耻对付潜在的无耻 。
有人干完了这事,系上浴巾之后,悠然地点了一支烟,看着我,说,张钰,你这样做是没有前途的。 他有道德感他干嘛还做呢?而且做完了还不认账。这是有道德感的人吗?我觉得这是最无耻的人。比我这样的明摆着的无耻还无耻,潜在的无耻更无耻。 做买卖,不管口头约定还是合同约定,你出钱我出货,你钱出了结果我货没有,你愿意认吗?

南方周末 的评论要更深刻一点:


据新华社电 太原市中级人民法院22日依法对轰动全国的“华人第一成人社区”特大淫秽色情网站案一审公开宣判,主犯被告人陈辉被判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人财产10万元;其他8名被告人分别被判处有期徒刑10年至1年1个月。

判决书里表明, 截至2005年10月3日2时, 陈辉开办的淫秽网站共注册会员619611名, 发布淫秽图片44812张. 非法牟利所得为10万余元. 除了非法牟利所得, 会员数和淫秽图片数均达到了 "情节极其严重" 的标准.






  1. Robert Knepper的老妈是名兽医,不知道PB里面找兽医接断手是不是某种巧合啊......
  2. 图片来自Robert Knepper的粉丝站,站名“Empty Pockets”,^_^


已经好久没写Blog了,因为Blogger Beta的Dashboard一直打不开,处于GFW之外,不过今天在maqingxi看到一篇文章,介绍通过Google Docs & Spreadsheets可以管理发布日志,而且功能还很强大。

  1. 文档文件名即为日志标题,如果是中文,现在还不能正确显示。怎么我的英文标题也显示空白?
  2. 目前只能设定一个博客。
  3. 暂不支持标签功能。

真郁闷,刚用这个发了篇blog,blogger beta就解封了,还是用回windows live writer吧!

Initial Configuration

Required JARs

To make ActiveMQ easy to use, the default activemq.jar comes complete with all the libraries required. If you prefer to have explicit control over all the jars used by ActiveMQ here is the full list of individual jars required

  • activemq-core.jar
  • activeio.jar
  • commons-logging.jar
  • backport-util-concurrent.jar
  • mx4j (if running on Java 1.4)
  • J2EE APIs which could be the j2ee.jar from Sun or your J2EE container or you could use Geronimo's freely distributable geronimo-spec-j2ee.jar. If you are inside a servlet container and being dependent on the j2ee.jar causes you troubles, the parts of the J2EE jar we are dependent on are as follows...
    • geronimo-spec-jms.jar
    • geronimo-spec-jta.jar
    • geronimo-spec-j2ee-management.jar

If you want to grab a J2EE specification jar we recommend the Apache repository


  • activemq-core.jar
  • activeio.jar
  • commons-logging.jar
  • backport-util-concurrent.jar
  • mx4j (if running on Java 1.4)
  • j2ee.jar

Optional JARS

  • spring.jar - if you wish to use the XML configuration file for configuring the Message Broker
  • if you wish to use message persistence then you need to add a persistent jar to your classpath (see below). If you just want a lightweight message bus with no durability you can leave this step out but we highly recommend persistence for production deployments.
  • if you want to use Zeroconf based discovery then you need the jmdns.jar
    The zeroconf protol is no longer supported in AMQ 4.x.
  • spring.jar -如果你想要通过XML配置文件来配置消息Broker
  • 如果你想要使用消息持久化,你必须在你的类路径下添加一个持久化相关的jar包(看下面)。如果你仅仅是想要进行轻量级的消息传输,不需要耐久性,你可以跳过这一步骤,不过我们强烈推荐你在产品开发的时候使用持久化。
  • Zeroconf 协议在AMQ4.x中已经不再支持,这里相关的就不介绍了。

Persistence Support

We support persistence via JDBC and a high performance journal. For full explict control over configuration check out the Xml Configuration.

我们通过JDBC和高性能的日志来支持持久化。详细的配置信息请看XML Configuration。

Next steps

One of the first things you might want to do is start a broker. Once you have a broker running you could try using the JNDI Support which shows how to run an example JMS program. Or there are some other example programs

If you don't want to use JNDI you can just instantiate an ActiveMQConnectionFactory, configure its properties directly and then you're ready to use the standard JMS API to create Connections, Sessions, MessageProducer and MessageConsumer instances.

你想做的第一件事情也许就是启动一个broker。如果你已经有了一个启动的broker,你可以试着使用一下JNDI Support 来运行一个JMS例子项目。当来,如果你不想使用JNDI,也可以运行别的例子程序,这些是通过 ActiveMQConnectionFactory直接配置属性,然后你可以使用标准的JMS API来创建连接,Sessions,消息创造者和消息消费者等实例。